It was never about the number… until now!

Have you met my dog Becker? If you have been around here for a while you probably have. It was never about the number… Until now… When it hit me the other day, I have officially lost the weight of my dog!!! 🤯 75 – SEVENTY FIVE POUNDS 🥳 In the past I haven’t beenContinue reading “It was never about the number… until now!”

Empowered Healthcare is Key Right Now!

Now more than ever its crucial for every single person to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. Empowered Holistic Healthcare. I’ve got an invitation for you below the post! 🥰 Long term health care employees are being fired for their medical choices. This should really make one question, first off WHY?! If this manyContinue reading “Empowered Healthcare is Key Right Now!”

21 Day Fix COMPLETE 🙌

I think I may have messaged my coach over the past 2 years. “Im ready” then found any excuse I could. House renos, kids sports, more renos, then my husband fell off a roof. Reality, I wasn’t ready. My mindset was not there. Which was completely ok! Looking back I know I wouldn’t have doneContinue reading “21 Day Fix COMPLETE 🙌”

Day 21 | 21 Day Fix Complete!

Day 21 – 21 Day Fix COMPLETE 🙌 To say I am proud of myself would be an understatement. I am stoked for my achievement. The strength I’ve gained and the simple fact that I made a point to make time to move my body. My fav way to end the program too… YOGA 🙏Continue reading “Day 21 | 21 Day Fix Complete!”

Day 12 | Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Day 12 – Step out of your comfort zone! Well the card pull is bang on for this journey of mine that I’ve chosen to share. Why share? Because I felt inspired by many people along my own journey and I know I can also provide inspiration to someone else. Even if one person. DayContinue reading “Day 12 | Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone”

Day 3 – 21 Day Fix | Upper Body Strength

“The body achieves what the mind believes” Day 3 upper body fix and 10 min abs! It’s not about “making time” to exercise. Its prioritizing ME! At 23 years old I had two male doctors tell me to “just loose weight” when we were faced with infertility. It was (and is) so much more thanContinue reading “Day 3 – 21 Day Fix | Upper Body Strength”

Nature’s Power With Inflammation

An article was brought to my attention today about “Cannabis May Reduce Deadly Covid-19 Lung Inflammation: Researchers Explain Why.” This article caught my attention, not so much because its cannabis, but because its “natural” and the mention of inflammation instantly got my attention because this is what I have worked at for years to reduceContinue reading “Nature’s Power With Inflammation”

Where Do I Begin…

It’s an honor when someone genuinely asks about my health journey. Especially when I used to be ashamed of my body and health! A common question is where do I begin… the truth of that is within your own power. Just like it was for me! I love sharing my story, but also empowering toContinue reading “Where Do I Begin…”

Covid-19 Lockdown Harming Health More Than Its Helping

Take 5 min and read this article… COVID-19 LOCKDOWN IS NOW HARMING HEALTH MORE THAN ITS HELPING Just one snipit…“…And two months in, we are at a stage where the harm from lockdown is starting to look like it is going to be greater than the harm from COVID…” Yet we are 3 months in…Continue reading “Covid-19 Lockdown Harming Health More Than Its Helping”

Morning Reflection | Life, Renos, Health

Our morning spot!I love love love natural light!I am SO grateful our new bedroom is moving along, waking up in darkness at all times of the day and night is not easy. Well, it makes it easier to sleep in, yes. It’s also easier to be completely thrown off of any kind of “sleeping schedule”.Continue reading “Morning Reflection | Life, Renos, Health”