The Alignment 💫 | Healing

The alignment! The more I lean into me, into my heart and soul… that for me is being in the flow! Life will never be perfect, we will always experience ups and downs. Much will be out of our control, where we need to take a step back and trust. Trust and also love, spreadingContinue reading “The Alignment 💫 | Healing”

Flower Power

A girl and her camera creating macro magic! As we begin the long weekend, I encourage you to BE in the flow with whatever you might be doing. Find peace and happiness in the moments that may feel mundane. Reach deep down and be real, with yourself. Feel to heal. Be like a flower, regardlessContinue reading “Flower Power”

Soften To Your Triggers & Fears

Last weekend I experienced this, in the most intense way – given the subject. Snakes A few days after we moved here, my toddler boy happily found a snake and ran to show his younger sister. We have learned snakes love railway ties and mulch! More than a few years ago, one of the kidsContinue reading “Soften To Your Triggers & Fears”

May 15/22 – Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse | Full Moon

How have you been feeling this past week? The energy has been very shifty and at times dense. The less I focused on the actual physical world of what I had to do, and what I “got to” do, I found myself in the flow. Beautiful flow of life. Incredible productivity with grace and ease.Continue reading “May 15/22 – Scorpio Blood Moon Eclipse | Full Moon”

Who Is Pam

I have felt inspired to share about me in a clip of who I am. What lights me up, my inspiration and why I share what I do. Who is Pam…I am a healing artistI am a reiki masterI am an essential oil specialistI am a motherI am a wifeI am passionate about living anContinue reading “Who Is Pam”

New Moon in Taurus | 4/30/2022

Good Morning! Did you see how beautiful the sky was last night, like there was a beautiful blue blanket over everything! This morning, I kept the card pull to be specific and authentic to me. I follow an intuitive flow for my morning and bedtime routines and allow my heart and soul to guide me.Continue reading “New Moon in Taurus | 4/30/2022”

Forgiveness Workshop | Diffuser Blend & Cards

As I was preparing for a Forgiveness workshop with Karen Atkins and Carrie Triffet, I knew I should have a diffuser blend going during the workshop. I intuitively selected the oils, closed my eyes and just reached out towards my wall. I selected the following: On Guard – Oil of ProtectionCedarwood – Oil of CommunityAirContinue reading “Forgiveness Workshop | Diffuser Blend & Cards”

Full Moon In Libra | Release

This has been a very powerful full moon that has fallen on Easter Weekend! I hope you were able to carve out some time for yourself to write out things that are no longer serving you to release. Allow your heart and mind to quiet and just write. Release with love and compassion, as wellContinue reading “Full Moon In Libra | Release”

The mind is a powerful thing, when used appropriately! 

I’m not even sure how to title this so just going to write. For a while now I’ve been saying to myself, why was it so much “easier” before. I couldn’t necessarily put a timeline of when. Then it shifted to what was I doing differently? The timeline that kept being referenced was when theContinue reading “The mind is a powerful thing, when used appropriately! “

Healthcare Starts At Home

Our kids have been my biggest push, in so many ways. The most memorable has been for my health. I was reminded of this tonight when I had holistic treatment requests from both of them. What originally was trying to figure out how to cook the chicken for dinner, it shifted into a holistic treatmentContinue reading “Healthcare Starts At Home”