What Is Really Happening

It’s amazing how when we tune into ourselves we begin to get in touch with our intuition, our inner being, the part of us that we feel in our gut or heart when something isn’t right… Given my own health experiences, for the past 6-10 years I’ve been questioning a LOT more. We HAVE to.Continue reading “What Is Really Happening”

Ignite Your Mind

What ignites you, fuels your creativity and gives you a boost of motivation? For me, its definitely photography, music, oils (smell), cooking, water… I had the opportunity to join my husband on a drive the other day, completely impromptu but exactly what my heart and soul needed… a couple hours with my camera. Albeit fromContinue reading “Ignite Your Mind”

Introducing Essential Oils to Your Home

Having the opportunity to be in our own home more has provided us the time to make necessary shifts. For some its honoring their mental health and enjoying the down time, for others its decluttering and organizing, cleaning, yard work, meal planning, cooking, spending quality time with their family members… whatever it is you feelContinue reading “Introducing Essential Oils to Your Home”

The Journey To The Destination

It may feel like a long road while you are travelling, until you reach the destination. Its then you realize, it wasn’t all about the destination, it was the journey of getting there. 💕🙏Pam Zmija It can at times be too easy to get wrapped up in how “long” a road may be. Which canContinue reading “The Journey To The Destination”

Trust Your Inner Guidance – Empaths

Sometimes we don’t really know we are sabotaging our life until we feel it physically and emotionally. This may sound harsh when you are about to read how I sabotaged my life this week, however it is what it is and for me this is real. This past weekend I indulged in black Tim HortonsContinue reading “Trust Your Inner Guidance – Empaths”

ONE Blend

💛 ONE! 🙌 My girl and I had an outing together the other day, so I grabbed one of my doTERRA backpacks to throw my camera in (I was also going to check out a new-to-me camera lens!). When I opened the backpack to put my phone in… I found my beloved @doterra ONE blend!Continue reading “ONE Blend”

Brave Leaders Are Never Silent Around Hard Things | Brene Brown

“It is not the critic who counts. Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit actually belongs to the man who is ACTUALLY IN THE ARENA. Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood. Who strives valiantly;Continue reading “Brave Leaders Are Never Silent Around Hard Things | Brene Brown”

Always Growing | My Camera

It’s been a bit since I’ve written from my soul. I will admit I had something sh*tty happen to me that made me dig in a little deeper. Photography for me is like an escape. I love capturing amazing shots of life, landscape and everything in between. While shooting with my camera, my lens fellContinue reading “Always Growing | My Camera”

Embrace What You Have Been Given | Dear Universe

As part of my personal development journey this has become a big part of it – Embrace what you have been given. Something along the lines of “everything happens for a reason”, even when it can be frustrating to figure out the why – which we really and truly may not ever know. It couldContinue reading “Embrace What You Have Been Given | Dear Universe”

Oils and Books For A Better YOU!

Essential Oils are so much more than just something that smells nice! They are incredible for your health – physically and emotionally. Many of the oils I use, I now trust my intuition to guide me to which oils I need. This is how I choose my oils for what I wear for the dayContinue reading “Oils and Books For A Better YOU!”