Refer a Friend | doTERRA

Have you been curious about giving essential oils a try but not sure where to start? When you use THIS LINK this order (and all future ones!) will be 25% off when they join doTERRA.  Membership with doTERRA is FREE when you use the link above! I am here to help if you need guidanceContinue reading “Refer a Friend | doTERRA”


I had the privilege of being on a doTERRA leaders call this evening which announced a new product line that will be completely unveiled September 15th at doTERRA’s annual convention. Considering I have dedicated the past 8+ years to literally FEELING good, you need to actually Feel, to Heal, I am SO excited to learnContinue reading “HOW You FEEL | doTERRA MetaPWR”

Full Moon In Capricorn | July 13, 2022

The deliciousness that was the night before this full moon today… happening at approx 238pm EST! It was the perfect, laid back evening. Cool for a fire, to write out releases, forgiveness, and most important Gratitude! Trusting 100% and releasing within  the flames of the fire. The card pulled yesterday… WARRIOR WOMAN!If you weren’t afraid,Continue reading “Full Moon In Capricorn | July 13, 2022”

Flower Power

A girl and her camera creating macro magic! As we begin the long weekend, I encourage you to BE in the flow with whatever you might be doing. Find peace and happiness in the moments that may feel mundane. Reach deep down and be real, with yourself. Feel to heal. Be like a flower, regardlessContinue reading “Flower Power”

Soften To Your Triggers & Fears

Last weekend I experienced this, in the most intense way – given the subject. Snakes A few days after we moved here, my toddler boy happily found a snake and ran to show his younger sister. We have learned snakes love railway ties and mulch! More than a few years ago, one of the kidsContinue reading “Soften To Your Triggers & Fears”

Who Is Pam

I have felt inspired to share about me in a clip of who I am. What lights me up, my inspiration and why I share what I do. Who is Pam…I am a healing artistI am a reiki masterI am an essential oil specialistI am a motherI am a wifeI am passionate about living anContinue reading “Who Is Pam”

What is a Program in our Mind?

A program is a deeply embedded thought that becomes part of your truth. Whether it actually is or is not YOUR truth! In my example, at the post office. As I walked up today, I thought of this program from years ago. When there was a fire in the mail box. I clearly remember hearingContinue reading “What is a Program in our Mind?”

Until then it was!

One positive I can say that has evolved from our time with covid is that it’s literally forced us into our space much more than we had previously been. To BE in the space is so vastly different than just living in the space. It was during this time we were preparing to move intoContinue reading “Until then it was!”

Embracing the Full Moon Energy in December

I woke up this morning, to this: Isn’t this view gorgeous. I had to walk out onto our deck to capture the beauty. Just incredible, the moon rays streaming off the top and bottom of the bright full moon. So beautiful! I even checked to ensure my lens was clean! The moon beams were intenseContinue reading “Embracing the Full Moon Energy in December”

Blessings in Unexpected Places!

This evening I was putting my monthly doTERRA order away and reminded myself that I needed to top up my thyroid blend. With all the oils in our house one may think I’m on top of these things haha nope I’m just like everyone else 🤣, Squirrel 🐿! As I was grabbing the oils toContinue reading “Blessings in Unexpected Places!”