Empowered Healthcare is Key Right Now!

Now more than ever its crucial for every single person to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. Empowered Holistic Healthcare. I’ve got an invitation for you below the post! 🥰 Long term health care employees are being fired for their medical choices. This should really make one question, first off WHY?! If this manyContinue reading “Empowered Healthcare is Key Right Now!”

Navigating Healthier Living | Food Sensitivities & Allergies

I have been on this health and wellness journey “officially” since June 2014 when I introduced oils to our home for our physical and emotional health. I am grateful for this journey as I have found how to best support MY health and wellbeing nutritionally and also to support and strengthen our immune systems. WithContinue reading “Navigating Healthier Living | Food Sensitivities & Allergies”

The Smoothie

I was “that” person… nope do not like smoothies, will not eat them, not going to try, hard no. Last week, I realized we had berries in the fridge that needed to be eaten… knowing they weren’t fresh like a few days prior I thought of a nice summer evening strawberry daiquiri type drink. ItContinue reading “The Smoothie”

As A Mother | I will stand for what is right

A conscious decision to forever alter your body and life. Someone who was once a girl, becomes a woman, who then chooses to become a mother is already making decisions based on her future. For not only herself and her mental and physical health, but also for her child. This begins even before getting pregnant,Continue reading “As A Mother | I will stand for what is right”

Its Time To Lean In

As an empath, I have learned that I am sensitive to energy. Which this morning felt so very heavy. Even before getting ready this morning, I pulled out my travel oil collection and began applying Adaptiv, Beautiful, Past Tense and Tea Tree. Aroma’s are something that I have aligned with, I can smell something andContinue reading “Its Time To Lean In”

April 2021 | Oils & Energy | Aroma Essentials Collection

With the beginning of each month, I feel excitement. A brand new chapter, a page to turn to create whatever you want to. To continue along whatever personal journey you might be on and perhaps lean in a little deeper to you! My monthly newsletter went out, so if you are one of my oilyContinue reading “April 2021 | Oils & Energy | Aroma Essentials Collection”

The Reality Of The Shutdown & Burden of Chronic Disease

Ive commented on this before, my strong disapproval of the fact that Walmart is allowed to be open, yet our small stores in our town are not allowed to be. My husband found this post in one of his online snowmobile groups last night… “Glad they shut down the trails! Now I have more timeContinue reading “The Reality Of The Shutdown & Burden of Chronic Disease”

What If Its Too Late?

Could go a lot of different directions huh… I’m one who is continually working at getting away from thinking of the “what if’s”. Being conscious IN THE moment, vs thinking of what if this or that. In true alignment when I am being vs thinking of doing. This post is more of a wake upContinue reading “What If Its Too Late?”

Gluten & Lactose Free Lasagna | Recipe

I love lasagna, but at one time it was an intimidating dish to even think about making, until I did and realized how simple it actually is! This cool fall weather is perfect lasagna weather! Even better is when the tomato sauce is made from scratch as well with big beautiful, fresh tomatoes! I startedContinue reading “Gluten & Lactose Free Lasagna | Recipe”

Watch “Empowered Health In Our Home” on YouTube

As mother nature has quickly moved us from summer like weather into the cool fall weather, it’s important for each of us to be educated and empowered in our own homes. For years, as long as I can remember my go to was take a pill, whether it was prescribed by the doctor or overContinue reading “Watch “Empowered Health In Our Home” on YouTube”