Heating & Winter Comfort

For those who know, my husband and I work along side of each other. Him in the field and me in the office. We have found we can work very well together and there is a time when work must be off topic at home. Living and working together has provided some challenges, but theContinue reading “Heating & Winter Comfort”

How did you get skinny?!

How did you get skinny?! Someone asked me this the other day. A few years ago this would have made me smile because for years I wanted to be “skinny”! But Im NOT skinny. I AM HEALTHY AND STRONG! How? I did the WORK! Sure there are lots of fad diets and drinks out thereContinue reading “How did you get skinny?!”

Not The Odd One Out

I was compelled to choose better. Better than what was the current “norm” for us. Going against the grain of “normal everyday life” to create our new reality. As we are into the summer I am reminded of how important routine and high vibe is important for our family’s health. How stimulation can be absolutelyContinue reading “Not The Odd One Out”

Hey Moms you like to save money, right?!

What if you could also feel confident in the products you use in your home and with your children, while improving your health at the same time! Oh and smelling great! I want to keep this as simple as possible – it makes life so much easier! 😉 So here’s the real deal. I canContinue reading “Hey Moms you like to save money, right?!”

The Power of Forgiveness

Its not about them… its 100% about YOU! I used to be a firm believer that forgiving someone gave them power over me, that what they did didn’t matter… Its actually the complete opposite. When you allow yourself to be set free by the power of forgiveness you gain so much more in your life.Continue reading “The Power of Forgiveness”

Productivity and Rest ~ Food for the Soul

The day before the work week begins is an important day for me. Its a day where I reset and get ready for the week ahead. A day where I feel best spent it accomplishing at least one task, enjoying some family time and some relaxing down time. I love how I feel and howContinue reading “Productivity and Rest ~ Food for the Soul”

Baby Steps and Popcorn

As I made my kids popcorn last night, it hit me. We’ve been conditioned to think that “making popcorn” is… For the majority of people… throwing a bag in the microwave and enjoying butter and salt saturated orange or bright yellow popcorn. That’s NOT what I made tonight. The kids asked for popcorn. I madeContinue reading “Baby Steps and Popcorn”

Its Like A Ski Hill | ADHD

I absolutely love the ADHD brain. Although at times it may seem like there is not much there on the surface, its actually incredibly deep and the perception is quite unique! As our kids are getting older, we continue to teach them about WHY this and that is good for them – food, drinks, sleepContinue reading “Its Like A Ski Hill | ADHD”

Before & After | Kitchen & Dining Room Renovation

After years of planning, months of hard work… and many hours watched of HGTV 😉 I am SO excited to say our Kitchen Renovation is COMPLETE! When we first walked into this house, we saw and felt the possibilities. The home was filled with love. The home was filled with opportunities to make it ourContinue reading “Before & After | Kitchen & Dining Room Renovation”

Quick Fix or Long Term Solution

Have you ever heard something and immediately could feel the fire ignite in your belly!? This morning while starting my work day I was listening to the radio and heard one of the political platforms talking about the importance of having a guaranteed income for everyone no matter what their age etc so they canContinue reading “Quick Fix or Long Term Solution”